Metal Slug 6: The Best of the Series - Download and Play on PC
However...putting this download in the wider context, it's not such great value. There is a two-player mode, but it doesn't really compare to the online co-op play that was added for Metal Slug 3's Xbox Live Arcade outing, a port that also boasted slick frame-rate and cleaned up graphics. Even if the Wii is the only console you own, there are better ways of enjoying the series - the Metal Slug Anthology, boasting seven complete games, can now be picked up for just over twice the price of this solitary offering.
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On the console downloads front, two of the big three are dishing out offerings for their consoles. Nintendo released Streets of Rage, The Legend of Kage, New Adventure Island, and Donkey Kong Country for the Virtual Console on Monday. On Thursday, PS3 owners will be able to browse the PlayStation Store for Q*bert and flOw. No games are planned for release for the Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade this week.